My Fat Heart

Charging full force into the gluten free world with an incredibly fat heart.

About MyFatHeart

Carrot Cake Oatmeal



Time and time again I see this recipe online and I never really thought that putting carrots into my oatmeal would be a good idea but I was wrong. Very wrong. If anything it adds a subtle sweetness and a pretty orange colour to my breakfast. There isn’t really much of an explanation warranted for this – as I’m sure we’ve all had carrot cake in our lives. The only thing I omitted is the “icing” element (which can easily be recreated with a dollop of vanilla yogurt).


Now… I know I’ve been on an oaty roll, but I seriously can’t stop. Don’t judge me, just try it.


1/4 cup steel cut oats
1 1/2 cups water
pinch of sea salt
1 tbsp almond butter
1 tbsp maple syrup
1/2 carrot, peeled and finely shredded
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1 tbsp chopped dates
walnuts, pumpkin seeds, extra cinnamon & maple syrup (for topping)

1. Bring water and oats to a boil, turn heat to low and add pinch of salt. Simmer until the water is fully absorbed (20-30 mins).
2. Once absorbed, stir in almond butter, maple, carrot, cinnamon & ginger, and dates.
3. Put in a bowl and top with walnuts, pumpkin seeds, cinnamon and more maple syrup!

Oatmeal with Sautéed Apple & Plum



I have a confession to make – I’m in love with breakfast. Lately… it’s been oatmeal. I’ve gone the lazy route and used instant microwave oats (I know, shame on me) but I can’t be bothered to sit and wait for steel cut oats. Although – there are now instant steel cut oat packets and the ingredients are just steel cut oats! (If anyone has the scoop on this – please indulge me).


To compensate for the instant-oatage, I sauteed some apple and plum to top it off. It was a thing of beauty… that I will repeat tomorrow… and the next day…



1 Packet Instant Oats (or steel cut, whatever you prefer)
1 tbsp almond butter
1/2 tsp maple syrup
1/2 an Apple, cut into thin slices
1 Plum, cut into thin slices
2 tbsp coconut oil
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tbsp lemon juice
plum jam, almonds, chia seeds & maple syrup (for topping)

1. In a small frying pan, melt coconut oil and sauté apple and plum slices until tender. Add lemon juice, ground ginger and cinnamon.
2. Prepare oats as directed on package. Stir in almond butter and maple syrup.
3. Top oatmeal with sauteed apples and plums, whole almond, plum jam, chia seeds and additional maple syrup.
4. Have an oatgasm.